Venom - Jennifer Estep Well I finished the second book last night and immediately started this book...the third in the series.
The third book starts where the second one it was really nice to have the third book here and not have to wait months to continue...I really hate having to wait for the next book in a series when I'm right into it!
The this book was AMAZING!! Finished it like 10 minutes ago..stayed up most of the night reading the bloody thing!
Once again the characters are amazing ..Gin is KICKASS!! LOVE HER!..but like Fin says, "black and crusty on the outside, soft as a marshmallow on the inside"...Gin just wants to be loved and will do whatever it takes to protect what she considers hers!
...oh and I love Owen!!
once again recommend this book and this series for those who like a good urban/paranormal fantasy!