Lady Heather's Reviews

"Lover of books, music, and happily ever afters"



February 2019
BookLikes Reading Challenge: Lady Heather's Reviews wants to read 100 books in 2019.
Lady Heather's Reviews has read 2 book(s) out of 100 books in
2019 Reading Challenge
January 2019
reviewed: Releasing the Demons
L.D. Rose has created an incredible world where Vampires have come out of hiding and established their dominance. The Vampir...
Releasing the Demons - L.D. Rose
finished reading:
January 2019
reviewed: Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
This is a wonderfully written and illustrated book for children between the ages of 4-9.The idea of this book is to teach and...
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids - Carol McCloud
January 2019
reviewed: Bounty
Second read: September 15-17, 2017I've re-rated this book from a 3 star to 5 star rating with this re-read.I loved this story...
Bounty - Kristen Ashley
finished reading:
December 2018
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December 2018
reviewed: Sweep of the Blade
The Epilogue has been posted and the story ended with an epic surprise!What a pleasure it was to read this book every week in...
Sweep of the Blade -  Ilona Andrews
finished reading:
November 2018
reviewed: Capture
Amazing story, characters, and writing!Penny Reid is a master story-teller. Her stories are smart, engaging, and expertly exe...
Capture - Penny Reid
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November 2018
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November 2018
reviewed: Diamond Fire
Loved this novella!It's a wonderful addition to the Hidden Legacy Series.We get a little bit more background to Catalina's pa...
Diamond Fire -  Ilona Andrews
finished reading:
September 2018
reviewed: Shame on Him
September 16, 2018Now only $0.75
Shame on Him - Tara Sivec
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September 2018
reviewed: Shame On Me
September 16, 2018Now only $0.76
Shame On Me  - Tara Sivec
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September 2018
reviewed: Gerald's Game
This book scared the f$#k out of me!I LOVED IT!!Freaking Stephen King, now I have to try and sleep tonight. GHAH!
Gerald's Game - Stephen King
August 2018
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August 2018
reviewed: Untitled
Title: FauxmanceAge Group: AdultRelease Date: August 13, 2018SynopsisIn this era of social media, we all pretend.We pretend t...
Untitled - L.H. Cosway
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August 2018
reviewed: Devil in Winter
First read: March 12-15, 2010Second read: March 23, 2013Third read: August 12, 2018"This review contains spoilers.".. backgr...
Devil in Winter  - Lisa Kleypas
finished reading:
August 2018
reviewed: Secrets of a Summer Night
First read March: 8-10, 2010Second read March: 20-21, 2013Third read: August 7-8, 2018 5 stars....again!!!I absolutely LOVE S...
Secrets of a Summer Night  - Lisa Kleypas
finished reading:
July 2018
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July 2018
reviewed: Dr. Strange Beard
Dr. Strange Beard, an all-new standalone in the bestselling, romantic comedy Winston Brothers Series by Wall Street Journal a...
Dr. Strange Beard - Penny Reid
finished reading:
July 2018
reviewed: Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling, #12)
AMAZING!!Kaleb reminded me so much of Raphael from Ms Singh's GH Series.Can't wait to read Vasic's story!
Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling, #12) - Nalini Singh, Angela Dawe
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