Love Hacked

Love Hacked - Penny Reid
First Read: September 17-19, 2014

Second Read: Audio Book January 9-16, 2017

photo reid a long cover.jpg

I enjoyed this reading/listening to this book even MORE than I did the first time I read it in 2014 (if that's even possible).
The narrator who was selected to read this book was fantastic!
She did an excellent job of portraying all the characters and succeeded in presenting all the nuances of the characters just by using a certain inflection in speech or with the use of a certain accent.

My absolute favorite part of her narration was her interpretation of Sandra when Alex was touching or kissing her.

photo Sandra 11 2.jpg

So good!

**Audio Links for Love Hacked**



If you haven't read anything by Penny Reid.... well I don't know what you're waiting for!!
Read this series!

[bc:Neanderthal Seeks Human|17673307|Neanderthal Seeks Human (Knitting in the City, #1)|Penny Reid||24673151] [bc:Neanderthal Marries Human|18875842|Neanderthal Marries Human (Knitting in the City, #1.5)|Penny Reid||26876634] [bc:Friends Without Benefits|18001399|Friends Without Benefits (Knitting in the City, #2)|Penny Reid||25262256] [bc:Love Hacked|20982872|Love Hacked (Knitting in the City, #3)|Penny Reid||26616863][bc:Beauty and the Mustache|20359781|Beauty and the Mustache (Knitting in the City, #4; Winston Brothers, #0.5)|Penny Reid||28554509] [bc:Scenes from the City|23340677|Scenes from the City (Knitting in the City, #4.5)|Penny Reid||42900268][bc:Ninja at First Sight|27261686|Ninja at First Sight (Knitting in the City, #4.75)|Penny Reid||47312980] [bc:Happily Ever Ninja|22848621|Happily Ever Ninja (Knitting in the City, #5)|Penny Reid||42410243]

...coming soon

[bc:Dating-ish|30242201|Dating-ish (Knitting in the City, #6)|Penny Reid||50705784] [bc:Marriage of Inconvenience|30242230|Marriage of Inconvenience (Knitting in the City, #7)|Penny Reid||50705812]